Moviestruck Episode 22: Ex Machina (2014) ft. Flora Zhu

Get ready to ponder the nature of humanity as we tackle thinky-sci fi's revenge, Ex Machina (2014)!
Content Warning: Sex, graphic violence, existential crises and questions about the nature of humanity

Every wondered what happens if you put two Star Wars alumni and a robot in one suspiciously isolated compound? Turns out, a lot. On this episode Flora Zhu joins the pod to talk Ex Machina (2014), film bro fave and A24 darling. Will we unravel the mysteries of what makes us human? Or will we just watch Oscar Isaac dance dance on loop. Find out on this thrilling installment of Moviestruck!

Moviestruck would like to wish you a happy holidays, and we urge you to practice social distancing, get vaccinated, and stay safe as we head into a busy time of year.

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2021 Sophia Ricciardi