Moviestruck Episode 35: Casablanca (1942) ft. My Dad

On a belated Father's Day Special, Sophia is joined once more by her Dad to talk a movie they both can't pronounce the character names in, Casablanca (1942)!
Thank you for bearing with the audio quality in this episode, it was recorded live from Sophia's childhood kitchen! Complete with surround reverb and very squeaky chairs.

My Dad joins the podcast for our annual Father's Day adventure, and this year he picked a true classic, Casablanca (1942)! Ya'll thought it was gonna be Speed Racer again didn't you? We learn neither of us know how to speak French, pull every quote possible, and debate the merits of unpaid internships on this special episode of Moviestruck!

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Where to find Sophia (Thanks Dad)
twitter: @sophie_kay_

Theme by Prod. Dom

Thank you to our $10 Patrons!
insomnite, Link Brenton, Nathan Dunlap, Ronin drake, DaddySwan, jshays512, Random Nonsense with a smidge of Tomfoolery
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2021 Sophia Ricciardi